Guest blogger Wednesday :) Many of you have probably heard the saying from St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel always. Use words when necessary.” I love this phrase probably because I am not a good debater. I have great ideas in my head, but if I am caught off guard and challenged, my words get all muddled and I have a hard time articulating my thoughts. So the idea that my actions can be a form of preaching is a great source of comfort (also a little scary when my actions are less than Christ-likeJ). I was given a great gift last year when a friend of mine shared a story of how my actions positively impacted another, and I had no idea! I was at an ice skating rink watching my 6 yr old when a stranger and I began to converse. I was expecting my 7th baby at the time … and the usual conversation took place: “Oh…is this your 2nd baby?” To which I replied, “Not quite … it’s my 7th.” This response usually evokes a range of reactions from “Wow! How do you do it?” to “Do you know how this happens?” or “Are you done now?” to “You’ve got your hands full!” Most of the time, people are pretty positive and friendly regardless of their initial reaction … and this was no exception. The woman turned to her husband and said “did you hear that? She is expecting her 7th baby.” We continued gabbing for a couple minutes, but it was not a long conversation as the girls were finishing their lesson. We exchanged farewells, and I never thought of the conversation again. I did not evangelize or say how great it is to have 7 kids…. I even felt a little guilty that I didn’t say more. I simply shared that we didn’t necessarily plan it but were trying to be open ... that my husband and I both came from larger families and liked it. That’s all. I didn’t quote scripture or the Catechism. I was just myself.
Months later I was talking to a friend of mine (not one I see or talk to often as she lives about ½ hr outside of Erie), and she told me a fun little story. She has some friends who have a couple kids and who thought they were done, but had recently been struggling with this and wondering if they should be open to more. They shared that they had been at an ice skating rink and met a woman who was pregnant with her 7th child. Surprisingly, our little conversation and meeting seemed to affect them, and they decided to try to have more babies. My friend thought of me and asked the woman what I looked like. When she discovered that it was me, she was quick to tell me about it. I was so grateful that she shared this chain of events as my husband and I were a little overwhelmed with the idea of having a 7th and were still adjusting to what this would mean. It was refreshing and humbling to see that our situation could help another person/family. God gave me that little gift to encourage and affirm me … that my witness goes a long way. I don’t always have to be the most eloquent speaker or informed debater (though God certainly uses those gifts in other individuals) to share His light and message. I do not often feel worthy as I am so aware of my own faults and weaknesses, but God uses me in spite of my sins. You never know how your actions or simple words might be just the gospel message that the stranger, family member or friend needed to see/hear. “Preach the gospel always. Use words when necessary.” St. Francis, pray for us.
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