
Welcome TRIUMPH Fans!

Come rest at Harborlily Creative - an oasis for travelers on this journey called life. This is a place to be refreshed, renewed and inspired. A CREATIVE and cathartic zone promoting inspiration and creativity in others.

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Meet Susan & Crew

Susan Yurkewicz

Susan Yurkewicz is a wife and mother of seven children.  She would love to tell you of the joys she experiences while dusting, mopping, and organizing, but doesn't believe lying is as exciting as the challenge of telling the truth!  After all raising seven children is no easy feat!  Her desire is to inspire others to creatively live their vocation in order to achieve the role God intended for each individual soul.  "Just keepin' it real!" seems to be Susan's mantra as she utilizes real life stories and inevitably finds humor in the mundane and ridiculous reality of life to relate to other parents aiming to raise their family with Faith.

While living in a medium sized town of Erie, Pennsylvania, Susan does enjoy the "beachy feel" of the sand dunes at Presque Isle and the ocean wave sound effects generated by one of the Five Great Lakes.

Guest Blogger ~ Diane Gallagher

Diane Gallagher is the busy mother of seven active kids. She is a former high school teacher, youth minister, retreat leader and chastity program coordinator. Diane met her husband while serving on NET ministries, an evangelizing program that sends teams across the United States to put on retreats for high school teens. She has been married for 15 years to her husband Jim, and during that time, God has taught them some valuable lessons both through their failures and successes about guilt-free parenting, marriage, sacrifice, peace and much, much more. They are learning more every day (whether they want to or not. :)

Diane is very excited to be writing as a guest blogger at Harborlily Creative. Since high school, she has enjoyed writing, journaling and creating ideas. Thanks to the gentle nudging of her dear friend, Susan Yurkewicz, she is finally exercising these muscles again and will be posting a weekly reflection every Wednesday.

Her goal is to offer encouragement and support by sharing her experiences as a Catholic wife and mother in a sincere and honest manner. Diane would also like to reflect on the Gospel message to our own daily walk as parents.