Where is the truth? Which one is right? Should I let my baby cry it out or respond to his every whimper. Should I spank or only use timeouts? Should I nurse on demand or follow a set nursing schedule? Circumcisions? Immunizations? Home schooling? Working Mom or Stay at home? All sides offer loads of data, examples and psychological analysis to defend their stance. What is a new, vulnerable parent to do? Feel guilty and confused, that’s what. Motherhood is hard enough in and of itself without the self-inflicted emotional torture we can put ourselves through. The best piece of advice,( that I did not learn from a book, I might add), is to be myself. Not the Mother I think I should be or that Dr. Dobson is encouraging me to be or that my friends are doing differently. Just plain little old me. Over the last 12 years of parenting, I've come to know myself better as a mother. Amy Grant’s song “All I Ever Have to be is what you Made Me” has such a perfect message for all ages. God has created me (and my husband) with unique personalities. A parenting technique or choice that might be “spot on” for one couple might feel uncomfortable and wrong for another. I have finally learned that I do not need to feel guilty because we stopped home schooling and enrolled our children at the nearby Catholic school or that I left my 11 month old baby with my in-laws while my husband and I traveled to Rome for my brother’s diaconate.
These were choices that some of my friends (and some of the authors I mentioned) would not have made. I am finally learning that all I truly do have to be is the mother God made me. I no longer read many parenting books. I have had enough of books telling me who I should be. My Creator is the One who truly knows who I am and that is where I should be looking. He has made me …with all of my strengths and weaknesses… and I need to trust that while He has not made me perfect, He has made me the perfect mother for my children.
Live It: The next time you feel either unsure, undecided, or inadequate as a parent, say a prayer or read Scripture instead of a book to find guidance and peace.
Diane! How'd you get so smart??? Couldn't have been through experiencing childbirth, Love at first sight with those tiny fingers wrapped around yours, skinned knees, dance recitals, piano lessons, more piano lessons, hugs, fights, kisses, and a deep abiding desire to do what is best for YOUR OWN children could it? Way to go for embracing your intuition and trusting that God Loves your kids more than even you do- and that's why He matched them up with YOU (and hubby!) ;)
ReplyDeleteExcellent advice, beautifully written, filled with truth and hope!