To peacefully live through the daily grind with the plethora of demands placed on me, I realize that a steady and upright Diane is best achieved through balance. See, if I remained obsessed with my diet, I pour too much of my time and energy into this one area of my life at the expense of the others. Or if I become too focused on getting my work done around the house (it never is), then I do not take the time to relax with my husband or I sacrifice my sleep. Let me reiterate that it is absolutely necessary to tip the scales at times…like last week when we were preparing for my son’s 1st Holy Communion. I spent every spare moment getting ready and definitely sacrificed sleep and cooking healthy meals (we went for simple instead). But on a regular basis, balance works best for me: daily morning and night prayer, exercising on the elliptical 3 – 4 times a weeks, allowing myself some treats without gorging on the whole package of Oreos, creating a realistic meal plan each week keeping in mind cost, time of meal preparation and tastes of my family members. I have even learned to do couponing in moderation. It would be so easy to spend hours looking for coupons or going from store to store in search of savings. It is tempting, but not for me. I spend about an hour planning my list and gathering coupons… and then I go to one store. I may not be getting the best deals every week, but I have to balance the savings with the gas money and time spent driving around that I could be used for other things that would ultimately bring more peace to my day.
For me, as a Catholic Christian, I constantly have to turn to God to ask for His help in finding and maintaining this highly sought after balance … and to let me know when I need to go off balance for a season or rearrange my priorities that have gone askew. Sometimes He lets me know this just by the anxiety that will well up inside when I am out of whack. Other times, the nudge might come from without – my husband or sisters or friends. Balance is not a reality I achieve once and then have it forever. It is a daily process but a goal that my husband and I truly desire. As with most things, we are not always successful in achieving our goal, and occasionally we need to hold the other upright when the weight becomes too heavy and we are leaning to one side. It is all part of the daily effort toward balance. Ultimately I have found that a more balanced mama is a happier mama…and I think it is safe to say that my husband and children all appreciate thatJ
Live It: Keep track of what you spend your time on for one week…. Then look it over and see where your scales are tipped right now and how you might need to readjust. Might be interesting.Just a quick side note: Quick story…I stopped in at Confession today having already written my blog. After I confessed my myriad of sins including impatience and temper, the priest encouraged me to find more time for recreation and relaxation “prudently incorporated into my day.” He felt that because I was running from one thing to another all day and not having much down time, I was probably more on edge and quicker to respond impatiently. I smiled. As you can see, I need to read my blog againJ Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…
ReplyDeleteI am really quite impressed with your blogs. You are a very good writer. And I'm sure that your words are very helpful to other moms in similar situations. Aunt Patty