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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Help meeeeee...PLEASE!

  Totally struggling here...  For three years now I've been working on a book about the experience we had with our seventh child who was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 while he was still in my belly.  This condition was termed "Incompatible with life,"  and that term proved true...incompatible with this physical life- that is.  We were able to enjoy our beautiful (yes, he truly- physically was a sweetie face- cutie pie!) son for two days and then went through some of the darkest moments of our lives as we said good-bye, mourned for, and buried this baby .  I'm sure I am still grieving to some degree- I don't know that a mother ever stops grieving a child she must bid farewell to.  I also know I've had some tremendous healing and made huge leaps and bounds in growth due to those times...
  HERE IS MY STRUGGLE and where I need your help~  I'm working on the fifth (at least) edit...by now the story has passed through a dozen people's hands.  I'm starting to doubt my words, thoughts, phrase-ology, sentiments.

  I KNOW mine is a sad story- shoot, I lived through it.  However, my intention in sharing our tale was to let other people know that even if they are going through a tremendously sad time in life or are facing a painful unknown- THERE IS MUCH GOOD THAT CAN COME from their particular struggle (such as the JOY that is even sweeter when balanced against tears) and the COURAGE that's built when fear which sought to tempt and overcome a soul into giving up- transforms into STRENGTH with a backbone of steel when that fear has been looked in the eye and faced down- then marched right over as that soul chooses to keep moving forward come what may!

  Three years after the actual events and I'm still re-reading my words and seeing the depth of sorrow from which I wrote.  I am literally reading the words "I cried" a zillion times in the manuscript....  So, I ask you, DEAR READERS- to weigh in and offer your advice on these two questions:

1) Do I inject more humor throughout the story to make this book more bearable... My rose colored lenses are a bit more polished these days and I acknowledge my view is not as melancholy (or perhaps there is an advantage to reaching others who are in the midst of a similar struggle right now?)
2) Should I recognize I'm just too close to the story and hand over the manuscript to an unbiased editor to guide the story or should I continue this torturous pace of re-reading and editing to offer views from where I am now in addition to my outlook while going through it?

I know you all are busy...I am simply asking (pleading, okay...downright groveling) for an itsy bitsy minute of your time to bring me out of my sludge of the writers Pit of Despaaair (total reference to The Princess Bride;)

Thanks Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should do both. I think your humor is infectious and it is one reason why I enjoy reading your writings. Letting an unbiased editor read and offer suggestions to you will let you see your work through the eyes of another
