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Monday, April 30, 2012

Working Mom vs. Stay at Home Mom..vs. Stay at Home Working Mom

   There's been a lot of hype in the media lately over the ridiculous comment made in the political arena about the "Stay at Home Mom who's never worked a day in her life."  I know, right?  Anyone who would even think those words much less utter them aloud...ESPECIALLY in front of a live microphone, running camera, or within 1,000 miles of a reporter could not possibly have ever had the "pleasure" of managing the family homestead  or does not have the proper amount of  fear for what a Mom under extreme duress can do with a carton of eggs, a broom, and a very good batting average.  What with all of the spilled Cheerios needing to be swept up, dirty laundry to be sorted, washed, dried and put away, dishes with food caked on needing to be washed, dried, and put away, poopy diapers to be attended to, potty training bottoms to be cleaned, and every room in the house needing to be dusted, mopped, disinfected and (haha) maintained- well, there isn't a lot of free time left to "work."

  However, never being one to back down from a challenge and always being one to look for ways to express the inner creative self that screams, cries, and throws tantrums to be let out... I recently decided to accept an offer to do that "all important work" that validates us- I guess the politician must have meant the kind you get paid for as opposed to the kind that's NECESSARY AND HELPED "SAID POLITICIAN" GET WHERE THEY ARE --(wouldn't their mom be proud to have been asessed that way??):/  I digress..  Anyway, so I was on a conference call with a colleague when my 1yr. old daughter who's woken up from her nap way too early and in such a cute and delightful mood starts singing, "Tinka, tinka ittol stah (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) very close to the phone's mouthpiece.  It's only when my sweet songster begins to belt out Haaaappeee Baday tooo dooo followed by a rousing chorus of "I waaaaa caaaandeee" (her brother just got the movie HOP) that I hear giggling coming through the other end of the phone.  I don't know that I'll ever be taken seriously again...  This is life...MY life anyway.  Perhaps I can hide the fact that I'm doing business in sweatpants and cozy slippers...but I can't conceal that I am a busy mom who loves her family and is devoted to them...yet still has a whole heap of (I never know what to call it...) but it feels like a ball of ideas mixed with lightning, paint, and a dash of tornado- to offer the world.
  Hmmmm, maybe there is no such thing as a "cookie cutter" Mom/parent- that we don't HAVE to fit into a mold that works for someone else?  Could it be that we truly are individuals and can exist in a way that fits our personal life- free of judging others and being judged by peers or onlookers?  Maybe the judgements will remain..but I could always work on focusing on what is good for my family-which includes what is good for Mama (moi).  And following that thought through...What is GOOD for Mama is GOOD for the family.  Breaking free of self imposed boundaries and accepting that I can still offer value- NOT INSPITE of my family- but AS PART of my family- THIS IS WHO I AM...and therefore that breaks down all preconceived notions of who these other stay at home, or working...or working from home parents are...Hey, we are all in this together...let's encourage one another to embrace who we really are and not prey on each others weaknesses but offer support for strength in those less than stellar parenting or professional moments.
  So, my precious, little one-year old- sing on!  I know I can't keep saying, "hush!" or, "later!"...because time waits for no one.  And that means your Mama too. I can't keep saying, "hush!" or "later!" to what needs to be sent out for someone who could be encouraged by it...we are all just trying to do our best...let's be gentle with one another!

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