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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Spirit of Easter (by Diane Gallagher)

Happy Easter! It's guest blogger Wednesday :)

"And the winner of the 'Spirit of Easter' Award goes to ... Lily!"  My two year old was happily twirling around in our kitchen, singing a song and munching on her chocolate bunny sucker.  It was Easter morning, bright and early, and my husband decided that he is going to pronounce a winner of the spirit of Easter and spirit of Christmas on these holy days to affirm the child who best exhibits the meaning of the day.  While one of my sons was pouting because his basket was too hard to find and the goods inside were not to his liking (only a measly Game Stop gift card, premier chocolates from our favorite local candy store, an angry birds t-shirt and "Adventure in Odyssey" book  -- I  was challenged by my husband for being too generous.  I just was not pleasing anyone!), and one of my daughters was in full melt down over a fashion battle, we were struck by my two year old's simple gratitude. In fact, she would have been happy with her pop rocks and chocolate cross. 

She even threw aside her Hello Kitty sunglasses and Veggie Tales puzzle  What's more, she then proceeded to share her treats with Jim and I because we did not have baskets.  "Do you want a bean or chocolate, Mommy?"  Gratefulness.  Generosity. Or, in her own words when Jim asked her what she thought the Spirit of Easter meant, "love."  A lesson from a two year old.  I so desire to have a more grateful heart, a more generous spirit.  How often is God showering blessings upon me? Instead of standing in the middle of a rain  "shower," throwing my arms wide open and letting myself be soaked, I too often run for cover in the nearest building and then complain about how hot it is.

God is constantly giving me things and answering prayers.  It might not always be the things I want or the answers I am seeking, but it is what is best.  I pray that in this Easter season, 50 days of celebrating the Risen Christ, I can pay more attention to the gifts God has given me instead of dwelling on the "unanswered" prayers or requests.  Maybe next year  my husband can proclaim me to be the winner of the Spirit of Easter Award ... but only if I can learn to be grateful for the chocolate sucker instead of  wishing I had a  three pound solid bunny.

Living It:  For the 50 Days of Easter, keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you are thankful for each night.  I am going to do this too.  My Spiritual Director recommended it a while ago, and I have procrastinated long enough:)


  1. Susan,
    Love the post. The reality of family is tough and in the moment, really hard. But reading the story, and being that my kids are 27,23 and 20 and all live away from home, I could chuckle and relate. How dare you ONLY give game stop cards AND premier chocolate...LOL
    But, out of the mouth of babes. Beautiful.

    Also, you spoke of unanswered prayers. I believe God answers all prayers. I believe there are 3 answers....yes..no...wait. Perhaps your prayers are not unanswered prayers...perhaps you are looking, seeking, hearing, wanting a different answer than the one that was given...like your reference to running into shelter during a storm and complaining it is too hot.
    I am ever grateful to God that HE knows what is best for me and super duper grateful that sometimes the answer is NO, because HE is all knowing, all loving, all giving and I am a mere human. Just as we say NO when the children want more chocolate right before dinner (because we know the end result would not be in their best interest), I believe God does the same when our prayers do not match up with His plan. And again I say, so glad HE's the one in charge. If I got everything I've ever prayed for...yikes, my life would be a MESS.
    Keep on blogging girl. Love your perspective.

    1. I must give credit where credit is due~ the honors of these insights go to Diane Gallagher (our treasured guest blogger). Diane lends her wisdom every Wednesday;) And yes- love your insights on "Answered Prayers"! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I would have loved to have been on the receiving end of a "Gallagher Basket"!! I thank God for people/parents like you and Jim who are willing to ALWAYS challenge in the midst of ALL the blessings - just like your children, I need to be reminded that HIS blessings are many..... way to go Lily - Congrats on your award - may your servants heart continue to grow!!

    1. I know, right? Diane..please don't let your kids tell mine what the Easter Bunny brought...Premium chocolate?!? What?? What's up with this huge pound of wax we tried to eat then decided to melt in the microwave and dip fruit in..Veggie Tale movies??...I thought black jelly beans were all the bunny could make..hmmmm...;) I'd also like to second the the CONGRATS to little Lily and invite her to "guest blog" (in exchange for a bite of that really good chocolate!)
