My husband and I just had a lengthy conversation last night about what we can do to achieve more peace in our daily lives. We have had many of these discussions over the past 14 years and don’t often see much change, but darn it, we will keep trying. One concrete initiative we are making is to designate Wednesday evenings as our personal days. We are going to take turns having time for whatever we want. On my weeks, I can go grocery shopping, have coffee with friends, or go on a walk. It is my choice, and I will not feel guilty about leaving. Likewise, Jim will have the alternating weeks to do what he wants, guilt-free. We are both craving quiet and peace… things that are not running rampant in the Gallagher household. Having 7 kids, we need to accept the fact that quiet and peace are not going to be common at this stage in our life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to give each other little snippets of this now and then. I need to get back into my early morning routine of waking before the kids and taking some quiet time with God and my cup of coffee. Those quiet moments before the kids arise are so important to my sanity for the day.
Both of these efforts in finding peace are helpful, but I realize that what I also need to be better at is finding peace “in the chaos,” to quote a good friend of mine with 6 kids herself. So often, I think I need to make changes or find time for myself … “and then I will be more peaceful.” Yeah, that’s good and nice if I can get out twice a month, but wouldn’t it be even better if I could figure out how to bring peace right into the here and now? Not just at 6 am or every other Wednesday? My spiritual director has reminded that to have internal peace inside does not mean that everything is peaceful around me. Taking deep breaths, muttering Hail Mary’s at a moment I might explode, turning on the music (see last week’s blog), taking the kids for a walk, tickling the ivories just for fun (that’s playing piano for those of you not in tune with musical jargon;), attending daily Mass,. Peace is something we certainly all desire … in our hearts, in our families, in our world. The more I can achieve internal peace, the better I will handle the turmoil around me. Wouldn’t it be great if I could actually bring peace to those around me instead of contributing to the commotion with my high-spirited yelling and intense reactions.? If I truly want our family to have a more peaceful home, I need to work on myself first… and hope that will have a ripple effect. Yes, another character flaw to work on. In the meantime, I think I will enjoy my final moments of external peace before the bus empties and my rambunctious students pour through the door with their overflowing folders, big appetites, busy agendas and eager expectations. I will have that cup of coffee and pray that Hail Mary…. and be ready to be the most peaceful Mom on the bus route. Here’s to a great… and peaceful… school year!
One of the greatest prayers I have ever uttered..... HELP ME JESUS......appropriate for all circumstances!! Keep up the great work Di!