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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Scare with a Silver Lining

  "Sus, there's no silver lining in this!"  These were the words delivered by my husband after the police officer left our house on Saturday evening. 

  My oldest son was the victim of a scam perpetrated by a drifter coming to our house while my eldest was home alone.  This stranger first craftily discovered that we weren't home then wove a tale depicting himself as a contractor who had recently spoken with my husband, who is a contractor by trade and had his truck with his logo parked out front.  He proceeded to paint the hard-luck picture that he had been towed through no fault of his own and needed $34 to get his truck back.  With the belief  this man was an acquaintance of his Dad and would return the borrowed money plus extra for inconvenience, my son decided to help this man.  He allowed the stranger in his car and drove him to the bank where he was further swindled into "just in case of taxes" money equaling a total of $50 of my son's hard-earned wages.  Out of the goodness of his heart my son then offered to drive this man to get his non-existent truck.  Thankfully, he declined with declarations of gratitude and "you've helped me out so much, man." 

  You can imagine that my jaw dropped incrementally with each frightening detail  until it hovered just above my kneecaps.

   After the police had been summoned (and recognized- turned out our officer was a relative of a relative...small world), reports taken of this 6'1", very well mannered man with a beard the drifter was located.  Of course he lied again- saying he'd return the money in the morning once his parents wired him funds.  Sad to say there was no resolution.  Legally there was nothing the police could do.  Our son had "willingly" handed money to this man.

  My son was angered at the thought of his lost funds.  My husband was horrified that this man had the audacity to come on our property and approach our child.  I couldn't stop the trailer of horrific "could-have happened" video from playing through my mind.  This scammer was in a car...alone...with my son- who drove him to a bank and used his debit card to withdraw money and hand it over.

  I hate that my son's trusting acceptance has been tarnished if not obliterated.  However, if he had to be swindled, at least it was in a non-violent manner that could perhaps stop him from being so gullible and hurt in the future.  The silver lining was in the golden cast of our son's Guardian Angel that answered the door with him and wrapped those wings around him on the drive to the bank and nudged that man on his way instead of accepting a ride elsewhere.  I am grateful this lesson on the hard-knocks of life cost  mere dollars, anger, frustration, and lost trust...and not the stuff of headlines that could have ruined us with tears for life.

  I share this with you to remind you to cover those you love with prayers for protection each and every day...and of course, to have those safety discussions that might prevent dangerous situations.  If there must be tough lessons learned...would that they be learned from "nice" bad guys.

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