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Monday, February 23, 2015

Gonna Be A GOOD Day

  Thank You God, for another day.  Yes, it's cold.  Yes, there is yet again another 2 hour school delay for these seven children.  And yet, it is a new day. 

  A new day is a chance to see things through a new perspective.  It's not necessary to view THIS day as "same ol'...same ol'."  A fresh outlook began brewing as I lay under the blankets listening to the trickling water from the aquarium outside my door.  The whirring of warm air blowing from the floor radiator a foot from the edge of my bed began to stir my consciousness awake.  I had TIME.  Time to be mindful of YOU and to welcome You into the day- come what may.  I then rolled out of bed onto my knees to offer back that which has been given in this day and there on the wall was a tiny rainbow refracted from my window. 

Thank you.

Gonna be a GOOD day.



  1. As I felt the sunshine through my windows and glanced outside several times throughout the day, I thanked God for the beauty of the sunshine in our day. The temperatures were "cold," but God sure does have a way of warming our hearts with His love. I am here. I feel you.
    Thank-you, God.
    Thanks for sharing this, Susan!

  2. Thank you EHeart! I've thought of your comment as the sunshine (Son-shine) fell on my shoulders through the windows. He really does constantly reach out to us...how often do we notice? Awesome reminder!
