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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


  On an Ash Wednesday, years ago I walked into the personnel dept. on the Navy base in Spain, where I was stationed.  The service man who came to the counter to assist me commented, "I don't understand why Catholics wear ashes to remind themselves of a dead God."  I could only deduce he had seen the ash smudged in the shape of a cross on my forehead.  "What?," I said taken a little by surprise.  "That's not why we wear these ashes."  "Look," he countered, "I'm a Catholic and I never got the whole ash thing or why you pray to statues."  "Well," I began, "the ashes aren't representing God... dead or alive.  They are to remind you, a human, of your own frail existance.  This world isn't forever- it's not our home.  There is a better world waiting and that's why the Priest says the words "man you are dust and to dust you shall return." while he places the ashes on our forehead."  "Oh...well I guess that makes more sense," said the man.  Then he followed with, "So, why do you pray to statues?"  I looked at him and shook my head..."I wouldn't want to be Catholic either if that's what I believed.  We don't pray to statues, they are reminders of those who have gone before us and can 1. Pray for us and 2. Help us get to heaven by the example they set."  I continued on to let him know these Saints are part of our family... the family we are all part of even here on earth (the Communion of Saints)  I bet you have a picture of some family members around your house- they are reminders of your relationship with them.  I then warned him, "If you go around telling other people this is what Catholics believe it not only hurts or stunts your own growth it will further division by turning other people away from the Truths Christ Himself gave us to help us get to Heaven."  I urged this guy to read up on what his faith ACTUALLY teaches and not to rely on what his understanding or memory passes down to him. For myself this was a good reminder to also learn more a about why I believe what I believe.
  AND NOW:  For anyone reading this who has ever been harmed, mislead, emotionally hurt or turned off by a friend, teacher, nun, priest, or even bystander who professes to be Catholic or gives any teaching expressed from the private view of one who is misguided by their own perception of what the Catholic Church teaches...please accept this humble apology from a member of the Catholic church, on behalf of the Real Love that seeks to be known, understood, and embraced as Truth within the Catholic faith.  We are but humans trying to evangelize using Truths passed down from our Creator.  Sometimes those Truths get jumbled in the same way when humans play the game "telephone" and start with one message to be whispered around the circle.  By the time that message gets back to the starting source it is often a mixed up, far-fetched version- sometimes not even close to the original words.  Please understand, when humans are involved, the occasion to error is great.  Do not let those errors deter you on your quest to find TRUTH.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Come Away with Me

    Another day has dawned and yesterdays troubles try to sneak in on a pink tinged cloud...  Gonna worry?  Nope.  Gonna fret?  Naah.
  The God Who created this universe and all of it's inhabitants is bigger than those nagging, wormy, sly, little frown makers.  His shoulders were meant to carry those burdens that tend to cause knots in my neck and stomach.  
  Throughout the day, and sometimes as I fall asleep, I will slip into a place of Peace with the One Who made me to ask Him, "What's going on? What am I to do?"  There are other times I simply sit with Him and enjoy the comfortable silence that can accompany the presence of a treasured loved one who knows all there is to know about me and loves me anyway.
  This PLACE of Peace, yes- in my mind- though just as vivid as my current house, is very real- in fact I visit there often.  In honesty I have a couple "getaways".  
  The view from the cliff side cave overlooking the ocean is breathtaking.  Jesus is very casual there as He tends the crackling fire with a long stick.  He and I also have a meeting destination on a certain garden bench which sits in the dim light of eventide.  Shadows that fall as long as the surrounding flora are cast by the soft glow of the moonlight that peeks through the lattice and cascading wisteria that winds it's way around the arbor. 
    Do you have a PLACE that you run to when the world is shouting and the Lord wants to whisper encouragement?  A hammock that fits just the two of you when you need rest from your cubicle, kids yelling and cupboard doors banging, or fume-filled bus ride home? ;A hut in the middle of the jungle that provides the basic shelter and privacy which allows the removal of all masks and baring of the soul?    
  If you'd allow me I'd like to make one suggestion:  make this special place personal.  That's it...only thing I'd insist on.  A place that feels right to you.  It may be more formal in the beginning if you are truly just getting to know God.  Originally, it might be very sparse and as time moves you closer to the REAL meeting it can be furnished with lavish decorative furniture.  The key to this place is ... are you ready for this? The KEY is His name.  Jesus.  Whispered or shouted, depending on the situation. will bring Him to your "together" PLACE (that's amazing in itself- the God of the Universe will answer His created being's call). 
  Take special care with this Key.  Use it only when You truly want His Presence.  You may find this whole Place thing silly...  I don't.  After all, while Jesus still walked among us He told us He was going away to prepare a PLACE for us. 
  God of wonder~ help us to seek You and Know You as You truly are.  Thank You for your encouragement as we walk our journey through this world that is not our Home.  Each unexpected Joy is a gift from You- open our eyes to each gift that it may not go unappreciated and we may utilize it to grow closer to You.  May Your Kingdom be an ever clearer reality to us and those we share it with- by Your grace.  Amen