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Monday, January 23, 2012

Time Is Fleeting

  Time IS fleeting... This thought struck me like a gentle 2x4 while I was pondering this blog and when I would next write. 

  Why am I waiting for the perfect inspiration to move me?  Or is it that I am afraid of imperfection?... Maybe I'm on to something here- I just erased and rewrote the start to this paragraph three times, "Yep, that must be it!  Wahoo, I love that eureka moment of clarity and discovery!"

  What if I mess up?  What if I spell a word wrong and spell check doesn't catch it?  Or, even worse, what if the thoughts I'm having sound foreign and strange to others.

  Then again, what if I don't write the thoughts and deeds that have inspired my choices in life?  What if it is a sentence or new perspective that helps a person, maybe even a stranger, get through their day or feel uplifted and encouraged.  I've heard it said that the successful creative artists out there are often not the best the world has to offer- they are the brave ones.  This thought resonates within me because I find myself holding back more often than not until I feel "comfortable" sharing.  I believe I need to steer more towards putting something out there because it's a reflection of where I am in life or what I am thinking/feeling and see if it resonates with others.  How do we know unless we try.

  "USE WHAT TALENTS YOU POSESS:  THE WOODS WOULD BE VERY SILENT IF NO BIRDS SANG EXCEPT THOSE THAT SANG BEST."  Unatrributed (although some give credit to Henry D. Thoreau and others credit Henry Van Dyke with this quote)

  The message behind this quote, no matter who wrote it, is fantastic- and true.  I believe God has so much to give this world through each of us.  Collectively we represent the diamond that God is...each of us reflecting a face of that diamond.  Each face is different, yet uniquely brilliant- showing a dimension of our Creator.  When the Son shines on that indiviual face His light will reflect in a shower of unique beauty.  Now imagine this world if every person dusted off their surface and allowed our unique talents and dimension of God to reflect from ourselves~ how bright, beautiful, colorful, and brilliant this world would be.

  Time is fleeting... not one of us knows how long we've been given to share our unique message and talents.  Let us be brave in our sharing, recognizing that anything done in Love will one day bear fruit.

** Please remember in prayer the hundreds of thousands brave people marching today to show support of each person's Right to Life!

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