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Monday, January 30, 2012

Fresh Start!!

Monday...some people think bleah...  Today, I am thinking~ fresh start to implementing all those brilliant ideas that I thought I might put into practice days, weeks, months ago.  I am digging out my to do lists of days gone by and crossing off the things I HAVE DONE (yahoo...congrats to me) and not giving up on those items left undone: Thank you letters, prayers to offer up, making my bed-perhaps this one is debatable, pictures to paint...  just a few itemized priorites to have slipped through the cracks. 
  My main objective is not to beat myself up over lost time, but to remember these things were important enough to make special note of and perhaps give them a second look. 
  For starters: it is never too late to say, "Thank you."  It may be too late to send the card you have already addressed and set aside unstamped for three years.  But "presto-change-o!," wave of the magic wand, and placement of original card in a bigger card or folded letter stating, "I came across this "thank you," and remembered how special that meal/party/kind word made me feel and thought the orignal sentiments were worth sending."- and you have a valid piece of mail STILL worth sending; simply magic.  I suppose the same is true of a memory we come across.  A kind gesture that went without a thank you... pull out a paper write down our memory and a thank you.  I suppose it would help to actually put the stamp on the addressed envelope and walk it to the mailbox before the next three years go by.  POINT IS...I always love getting sweet or kind notes in the mail (heck, anything that isn't a bill- even a shampoo sample can brighten my day :),) and perhaps others would too.  A shared memory of someone's kindness is always a good thing, and is not a bill.
  As for prayers to offer up...hmmm..."Dear Father of us all, as each moment presents itself, may we grasp the opportunity to spread Your Love and Kindness.  May we also remember to thank You for each ray of hope You send, article of clothing we own, morsel we eat which are, in and of themselves, a sign of Your Love for us.  Thank You, God,  for the fresh start that comes with every day...well, every minute.  We love You.  Help us to know You as You really are- not who we think You are.  Help us to love ourselves as You love us...not the broken way we try and love ourselves... Amen."
  Next on the list...I think I will go paint a picture of me making my bed.

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