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Sunday, November 20, 2011

So Cozy!

    I've always had an unusual fondness for cloudy, rainy, stormy, bad weather days.  I used to think it was because on these days I often found myself cuddled up with a cup of tea and a good book.  Of course after children started coming along in my life I am more partial to a steaming cup of coffee.  Somewhere over the years a "good book" has morphed into an interesting magazine article due to time restrictions. 

  Time has revealed the reason behind the enjoyment I receive from these inclement weather days.  A large part is due to the cancellation of my "To Do" list. 

  Oh darn... it's not sunny out, I guess I should break out the paints and a blank canvas.  Oh noooo... a snow storm...siiiigh, I guess we should light a fire and heat hot chocolate while we sift through family photos and create an album ;)

  Ultimately, ugly days provide the permission to "play indoors".  To dream the dreams and let creativity flow...

  Sometimes it's enough for me to watch as my children create sopping wet roses and poppies, big brown blobby puppies, and paintings that, in their eyes, clearly rival Michelangelo and Renoir. (I truly have these very works drying on my dining room table now...it was a gusty weekend with some showers).  Other times I too, must break out the crayons and clay and let myself play~ unhindered by adult "supposed to and shoulds"...

  The rain has always helped living things grow...I wonder why it's taken me this long to understand that meant creativity too! 

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