The school bell doth toll...this time for ME! Yep, 45 years old and I'm a backpack toting, Psych 101 studying, note taking, BONAFIDE student.
Admittedly, this is not the first time I have answered the call of the "bell." My first college experience was while I was in the Navy, stationed in Spain. I added English and Ethics courses to my regular duties as a "Squid" overseas. Not a bad way to break the scholastic ice. The next time I headed back to school was sheerly for knowledge itself. I was on a spiritual quest and wanted to know WHY I believed WHAT I believed. So, off to the Franciscan University of Steubenville I went, with a course load of theology, sociology, and even an acting class (SO much fun!). I then took time off to apply some of this knowledge in a practical way.
A few years passed before I heard the Diiing...Dooong...ringing a beckon to further knowledge. I answered with, "Yes please, I'll have a course of Public Speaking with a side order of Principles of Management." By this time I had a little one to chase around so this was a whole new ball game figuring out how to manage time. I decided the timing wasn't right to go for my undergrad degree. However, that was not to be my last attempt. I eventually tried going back when I was the mother of four children. That trial period lasted one semester of four classes. Clarity struck when one of my children was standing a mere foot away repeating, "Mommy, Mommy, Mama, Mom..." in an effort to gain my attention. I was bleary-
eyed from staying up til 3:30 A.M., hunched over my keyboard searching for the perfect ending to a history essay assignment when a flashback struck like a lightning bolt. The flashback was a vision of what kind of Mommy I had always thought I'd be and it was in stark contrast with my then current abilities as wife and mother of four kiddos aged six and under, attempting a full time course load. Aaand...I was expecting again. That semester was a defining moment, teaching me to "let it go."
Here I am, 13 years later, not regretting a single moment my choice allowed me. In fact I'm grateful I had the opportunity to be present to my family, give myself fully to my loves, and live life in the moment. Though I am far from not being needed as "Mom" (may that never be the case!), the pealing bell summons again. This time, it's a family affair.
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My 6 year old finds neurons interesting...sort of |
My husband takes my breath away with his support. He works hard to help me carve out the necessary time for homework yet balances me with an invite to tuck the younger kids in and say their prayers. My teens still burst in or quietly wander through the office door and flop in my easy chair to ask questions, share their highs and lows of the day, or willingly be subjected to the latest chapter on Human Behavior. I never took down the chin-up bar from when my eldest occupied this room so I have a pretty constant call to watch daring feats of strength while I'm memorizing definitions.
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60s means heat wave in Erie |
our names with temperatures in the 60s. We couldn't let that call go unanswered, so off to the park we went. I read from the text book while my youngest played on the jungle gym and her older brothers shot hoops. When she tired of climbing, she asked for a push on the swing. I readily complied then jumped on the open swing next to her and pumped my legs til my feet touched the sky. We giggled like crazy as butterflies filled our bellies.
Maybe I needed to be taught more from the school called LIFE before the "school bell" called me back. I find myself relating what I learn in the classroom to moments I've lived through and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have a deep well of experience to draw from. Feels like the timing's right. We shall see. Diiiing...Doooong.
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