The sounds of summer are upon us...even if the weather is yet to catch up. Through the closed, pane glass window comes the whine of a vigilant neighbor's lawnmower going to town on the Spring grass. I, personally, am thrilled at our progress in this department- we bought a new lawnmower. Yes, the tags are still on it while the grass continues to inch it's way skyward, but this purchase signals our intent.

More often than not I hear bursts of children's laughter through that same window indicating the air is warming up enough to lure them away from electronic devices and beckoning them to tear up the grass and good ol' fashioned dirt. Maybe those tags can stay on the mower a bit longer...
I've been treated to the long-awaited chorus of peepers over the last few weeks- though it's now a bit of a drive to hear them. Not like in the past when we lived on 17 mostly wooded acres where every night was a full on symphony. Peepers can always lift my spirit in a nod to my childhood, when dirt wasn't old fashioned- just fun. Now, I'm sounding old as dirt... In truth, that sound mixed with Spring's earthy scent breathes new life into my imagination. Possibilities abound within this season. Flowers are blooming while birds return in flocks. Life seems to rebounding from laying dormant so long.
I love that there are spectacular peculiarities within each season. It's a reminder to embrace each one without wishing for the next.
Hmmm, this reminds me of a conversation with my sister about our children, on her son's 15th birthday. We were marveling at how fast time has flown. I shared a pearl of wisdom that was passed down to me years ago, during my angst over my oldest changing as he matured, "It is the parents that can not accept these changes that suffer the deepest empty nest depression. Learn to embrace each season of life and you will be able to enjoy the change that comes. Then, it will be a natural progression to let go as children ready to leave the nest, rather than clinging so tightly to what once was." I have found that tidbit to be a golden nugget.
When my children were all very young and close in age, I had to remind myself of the truth: it is possible to wish away the journey of life while rushing to the destination. This was a challenge during the stage when I had three in diapers! Or the time I opened my mini-van and realized all 5 back seats were fitted with car seats. I've applied it to my my own progressing age- not getting hung up on what number of birthday I face. I will only be this age once, might as well enjoy! If this thought is lived out- there can be no regrets.
Nature continues to guide and teach us about the intricacies of each numbered day...
Enjoy each moment, with eyes wide open. Live in the present and presents will be gifted.
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