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Thursday, April 27, 2017


One funny side effect of going to school while my children do is the shared experience itself.  I no longer casually say, "I know you don't want to roll out of bed, get your rear in gear anyway!"  I now grumble along side them while we elbow each other in our fight for bathroom mirror prep time.  We're all in this together.

  Funny how diving into a shared experience can give a more insight into moments I used to pass judgment on.  Of course it makes sense- I'm living through similar experiences they face day in and day out.  I no longer chide about the dragging feet and forlorn faces on Monday mornings- I sympathize.  Yet, I am not as understanding about bad grades as I once was- I've been reminded of the need for hard work and I want to help my kids create great habits involving preparation and accomplishment.  If I can do it- they certainly can too.  My mantra of, "Turn OFF that stinkin' TV!," is heard more regularly now that I know what they are putting off in stall tactics.

  Over time, I will be curious to see what their memories of the time "Mom went back to school" bring about.  And there are days that I wonder if I will remember much of what currently feels like a foggy blur as I try to fit it all in and get it done.  My husband's parents have had recent serious health issues.  This has been effective in reminding me to: breathe, slow down, and remember what's important.  In the midst of the schedules, homework, and chaos I'm forced to face my own limitations and concede that when giving it your all- let my best be good enough.  If I am to succeed at this thing called school- then I must remember that the best education is within the school of LIFE.  At this stage in my life, the process of receiving a formal education must somehow blend with my, my husbands, and my children's lives- and not take center stage.  It is very sweet to witness how they do champion my efforts and pull together to allow me time to work.  It makes our play time that much more cherished.

So far, so good...albeit hectic and without much down time.  I know this too shall pass and soon it will be time to graduate- for my children and for me.  I've never been one to wish time or seasons of life away or to cling to certain ages.  I've sincerely tried to embrace each moment as it's lived, knowing it will only come my way once.  I think this is true for this unique time in my (though it's actually "our," since lives are entwined) life as well.

  Even with the end of the term nearing and finals breathing down my neck, I was blessed this afternoon to be able to visit my mother-in-law in the hospital, visit my oldest at his work, take a quick snuggly nap with my youngest, attend a son's lacrosse game, take two other sons shopping, treat one daughter to a big bag of m&m's for cleaning the house, and look through my jewelry with my oldest daughter for her formal dance tomorrow night.  I did get to give my husband a hug and kiss on the sideline at the game and I look forward to catching up on his day when he comes home from caring for his father.

  Life continues on while increasing in speed.  I find it a comfort to see my University's motto etched into the face of many a cornerstone around campus, reminding me: Carpe Diem!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter People

  Did you know there are 40 days in Lent but 50 days of Easter?  Alleluia- the time for somber reflection and sacrifice gives way to the JOY of the Resurrection!  During the Easter Vigil our Pastor, Fr. Larry Richards, reminded us of the importance of being a Resurrection people.  Though we will go through trials and sacrifice- that's not where our minds are to rest.  We are loved- that's what Easter is all about.

  On Good Friday, I was struggling with my son having a scheduled game, when I wanted him at the service with me.  I'm well aware there will be thoughts on both sides of this struggle.  I'll just say that a quick comment, "let go of the guilt!," from a supportive friend, was a balm that primed my heart for the message delivered during the Easter Vigil, "Live like you are loved!"  We were even encouraged to keep a log for 50 days revealing how we are loved: (i.e. Day 1: Today God showed His love for me by....)

  It's true that it's easy to have a self focus.  Easier yet, to let that focus fall on all we are doing wrong.  What if...it's not about us?  A novel idea, I know.  What a freeing, beautiful thought- that we are loved simply for being us...not for what we do.  Time to rest in the glory of His Love for us- and to turn to those around us and shower that love on them...just because they exist.
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) NAB

Pass it on <3

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Stevie and his sponsor, Aunt Teresa

“This is not a graduation,” the Bishop said to the congregation of Confirmation students and their family and friends, “but rather a beginning.”  Bishop Lawrence Persico was referring to the role of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the lives of these students, most of whom are Juniors in high school. 
  The typical method of religious education within Catholic American parishes is to gather weekly for an hour or two to discuss Faith and the teachings of the Church which have been inspired by the Holy Spirit and passed down from centuries of tradition.  The original educators learned from Jesus, Himself, and used word of mouth and writing to share matters of faith that ultimately changed the trajectory of their own lives and the world itself. 
All in God's time
  I was in eighth grade when I received this Sacrament which brings the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power.  What’s interesting, is that power is not always fully expressed at that very moment of reception.  This is what the Bishop was referring to when he spoke to the assembled group which included my son, Stephen Jr., telling them this moment was just the beginning.  After all, the Apostle Paul is the rare person who was knocked off his horse by a flash of Light, and was instantaneously converted.  Most of us are invited to faith by the planting of seeds that will sprout over time.  Different people drop seeds of inspired words, thoughts, ideas, and encouragement over the years of our formation.  We are learning, growing, and cultivating these seeds over our lifetime.  
  So, even as some of these students may be internally celebrating with thoughts of “Yes!, No more religious ed. classes!”  It’s time for us as parents to rely on what has actually taken place. They did in fact receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and He can guide them on this journey more perfectly than our human efforts.  While it can be scary to let them grow and make decisions, this moment brought comfort.  The second of our seven children to reach this milestone.  As a parent- I am still sprouting, called to a new phase in my faith: learning to trust that God's call and timing are perfect.

Bishop Persico, Fr. Larry Richards and the St. Joseph's Bread of Life Confirmation Class of 2017

              Congratulations Stevie and all the newly Confirmed, on this new phase in YOUR life!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Quotes That Inspire

Both of these quotes are from a favorite of mine: Henry David Thoreau. 

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” ~HDT

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”  ~HDT

  Both sentiments resonate with me.  I feel it is important to bear the first in mind while pursuing the second.
  May you, dear reader, always find inspiration in quotes that resonate within you and propel you in the direction of YOUR dreams!

 If you'd like, please feel free to share a favorite quote of yours in the comment section below or at Harborlily Creative on Facebook - Thank you!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Run vs. Running

  Run vs. running...this is the dilemma of many parents.

  But Susan, you may be thinking, how many types of running are there?  Oh ho...now that is a question from a novice to life with children.

Of course I would like to RUN (though truth be told I'm more like a snail even when I speed walk) and yet I find myself RUNNING my busy tribe of teens (4 in the house now), and younger children to lacrosse practice- 4 of these players in the house now as well, friends houses, the Mall, and wherever else as the need arises.  This in addition to mobilizing our large crew en masse to and from Mass, family get togethers, school concerts, etc.  Truth is, we use two different vehicles to mobilize us when we all need to go somewhere together.  Steve, my husband, drives an F-150 truck that seats 6 and I currently drive a Ford 500 that fits 5.  Together we can even fit a few friends, which is often the case.

  It seems the last couple weeks have been full of commuting since Steve's parents fell ill and needed hospital care (prayers appreciated) and my Mom had her second knee replacement which created the opposite effect and immobilized her for several weeks.  Other excitement took us to the hospital for the birth of a new nephew: "Welcome Maverick!" and of course there's the day to day driving to and from school.

I've noticed a road weary expression on my husband's face as he removes his jacket after a long day at work followed by "running" the kids to practice and meeting the needs of his parents.  He never says it but I see something ever so slight cross his face when a call is received from his parents, Bushia and Dzia Dzia, which means Grandma and Grandpa in Polish.  These calls often require him to don his jacket and grab his keys- I think that "something" is a remembrance of all the running they did back in the day.  He and his three brothers all played baseball, sometimes on different fields, while their Dad coached.

  I hope my children pick up on that subtle acceptance from their father.  If my life is an indicator of how fast time moves, then the days of running will soon be upon them.  As a matter of fact, right now as I write this, Steve is currently wearing his chauffeur's cap as he drives our 16 year-old to his driver's exam.  God bless my husband- he even took a half days' work to be able to do this running...and when that's done we have to head to Buffalo for a lacrosse game.

Whew! Which do you find more exhausting...Run or Running?