Dearest Family and Friends,
For those of you who may be unaware--Seven years ago today our family's lives were forever changed with the birth of our seventh child, John Michael.
Well, let me back up- our lives were first changed in the discovery that we were expecting another baby- there is ALWAYS that mystifying blend of excitement mixed with the reality of accepting a whole new person into the family. However, it was in the discovery of John Michael's genetic condition, Trisomy 18, our paradigm shift of parenting soared, plummeted, and eventually found peace throughout the pregnancy, birth, tentative two days of life, and ultimately death of our beloved son and brother.
I had started this blog, Harborlily Creative, five years ago in hopes of establishing an outlet of creativity along with a desire to inspire others to use their creative talents. It became my place to throw thoughts, humorous findings, parenting tips, and the beauty of discovered truths. I cast my lot into the vast world wide web to see what would be sifted and what just might stick throughout time. Interestingly, those things I was certain would remain have drifted off and I find the common theme that has remained to be a giant mirror held up to my all it's imperfections, beautiful laughter, silly phrases, and real life moments. I'm totally cool with that. Perhaps I'm becoming more comfortable in my own skin after all these years of thinking, "In order for it to be right it had to look a certain way, behave a certain way, sound a certain way, etc." My life does not resemble what I had envisioned at the start of marriage and motherhood. In many ways I still struggle with trying to meld my reality with my image of what was "supposed to be." However, it is the Peace I find in letting go and embracing the joy right in front of me that allows me to accept my life for what it is- my vocation.
Once upon a time I wrote a book: TRIUMPH about living through John Michael's pregnancy and facing the unknowns after being given an "adverse prenatal diagnosis." For some reason I thought it wise to keep my social media sites separate. I had a personal FB page in addition to the Harborlily Creative page- which was renamed to match the book, Triumph, and the new Harborlily Creative page to keep a candle lit for the original hope of encouraging others in their lives and creativity. I have a website devoted to sharing the book as well:
Recently during a conversation in which I was discussing my general confusion about what gets posted where, a wise, young woman asked me, "Susan, why do you feel the need to keep all these bits of your life separate?" To which I responded that, at the time of separation I had thought the average person might find the death of our son depressing and it might be a better idea to have a different place to host those conversations about pregnancy and loss. Again, this gentle soul carefully offered her opinion that having John Michael was and is a part of my journey. Our experience with our son helped shape my perspectives for the better in many areas of life, love, and even in discovering God's will and purpose.
Perhaps it's time to stop separating all these areas that I thought needed boundaries and merge my efforts while embracing the whole of who I am and what I have to offer.

In the meantime won't you please join us in celebrating John Michael's birthday by sharing your prayer intentions with him? He was baptized before his death so we know he carries your intentions to the very throne of God. This mother's heart is sure of his love for you and his desire to help you find Peace.
Happy Birthday Son!