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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Inspiration Strikes When Memory is Jogged..Now I must Jog...

  Surround yourself with like-minded people...I have heard this phrase way more than once...yet, it now calls to me from the site of another blogger. 

  Last week, while scrolling Facebook, I stumbled upon the writings of a former high school classmate.  I was immediately drawn in by the photos she had posted and the street names she wrote of which jogged my memory and tugged my heartstrings.  The grape vineyards she described let me know she had made her home in the vicinity of my own upbringing--Harborcreek, Pennsylvania.  I can't explain the feelings that surged as I read through the events which comprised her day...and though now a "West-sider," reminded me of my own.

  The surprise came as I viewed her captions and photos describing tough workouts found in reconnecting with nature and the friendships born of meeting others during the journey she had embarked on--the challenge of meeting and surpassing her own limits.  In an odd, distant, whispered way I heard a kindred voice calling my name.  At first it was a novelty as I tried to mesh the memory of my sweet-natured school friend with the physically fit, determined, inspirational young woman encouraging those, such as myself, who wandered into her world through snapshots of her life, to reject our own limited vision of ourselves and strive for strength.  But it has since become a louder invitation, in the voice that remains sweet- yet wizened with experience and well...life.  I have embraced this vision that I just may have some physical strength waiting to be set free from the aging mindset I had handcuffed myself to.  Granted, I have begun on the path to healthy eating several months ago...but to purposely join a group dedicated to sucking the marrow of life from a frigid night's offer to push your limits in 7 degree weather...I concede this thought never occurred to me...yet strangely holds appeal!  I have marinated this type of challenge that appeared heinous and grueling at first then gradually receded into awe before  blossoming into possibility this very morning.  My baby steps in this direction included a jaunt to the local middle school to sled-ride with five of my seven children.  I returned home soaking wet, chilled to the bone..and EXHILARATED with the fact that I DID IT!  It's been a couple years since I went down a hill on a sled for fear of damaging my lower back...not only did I sled ride down the hill...I hiked back up carrying a toddler on my hip!  (Full disclosure-regular doctor check-ups and losing the 25 pounds in the last five months was a huge bonus!).

  I am sure I will visit her blog often, find joys as she shares them and perhaps rekindle a friendship over time.  I admit I am looking toward my own future with a breath of fresh air as I reminisce the robust rural scenes my friend had photographed through her viewfinder utilizing her unique interpretation of life.  I have been blessed to see that although I feel at odds with the world due to my life circumstances of a large family, a house under construction, and children that are thoroughly loved yet not always fully understood, I am not alone in this journey of life.  We all have our own preconceived ideas of what life will be like- it takes a brave soul to write about the reality of the life that is lived out day in and day out.  No two journeys will ever be a mirror image of each other- but in the differences- beauty and wonder can be discovered and shared- experience gained through the eyes of another.  Thank you dear, brave, blogging soul for offering a candid snapshot of your life.  In a way, I felt as though I had come home as I wandered into your post.  Thanks for lighting your Lamp and extending the welcome!  I wish you well as you continue on your journey and hope we can one day soon lift a toast to all we have lived through and our futures yet to come!


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