As I mentioned above, I sometimes have a similar struggle in
determining my personal wants and needs, not just those of my children. What do I need each day and what do I
want? The other afternoon, I had an hour
before children came home from school and my two “babies” at home were
sleeping. AWWWW …. What to do during
this time of peace and quiet? I could
play “Words with Friends”, exercise, do laundry, start calling room parents (one of my new PTO
duties) OR make dinner. Bummer. I have to make dinner. That is what absolutely has to happen right
now. That fulfills a need for my family. It is not fun. I can even get irritated that this is how I
have to spend my quiet time when there are so many alternatives. But by doing this mundane task now, I will be
better prepared to enter into homework, football preparation, and taxiing my
children around this evening, knowing we have a substantial meal at home (that
they can scarf down and complain about) in between. God is so good at meeting my needs as well,
but not always my wants. My youngest was
napping and I was making meatballs (a different scenario from aforementioned
one). I muttered under my breath that I
hoped Elly slept until I was done because my hands were covered in raw
hamburger, and I wanted to get the meatballs cooking. As soon as I finished, I
began the arduous task of cleaning up the kitchen when I heard the baby begin
to cry. One of my sons was in the
kitchen with me. When I sighed and said,
“I wanted to get these dishes washed before she woke,” he smirked and said
“Mom, you can’t always get what you want.
But you got what you needed.” He
was right. Dinner was cooking on the
stove. Yes, the kitchen was not cleaned
but it didn’t need to be…. yet. All in good
time. All in God’s time. I do believe He cares about the little
things. I am not saying He reaches down
and makes my baby sleep longer or wake up early just to test me (though He
can)… He does allow nature to take its course.
But I believe He might nudge me to make a choice or perform a task that
He knows would be most peaceful for my family and myself if I allow Him to be
part of my daily life. And I definitely
believe that He gives me just what I need whether it is a sleeping baby or the
grace to accept disruptions. The Israelites
got manna in the desert though they probably would have preferred a gourmet
lamb. My kids want a trip to Disney but just might have to accept a week of
camping in Cook Forest. No, we can’t
always get what we want. Thank
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