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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Labor of Love

Whew!  What a process!  Four years gestation from conception to birthing suite. I come bringing joyous tidings to all of you who have patiently paced the halls and steadfastly visited the vending machines in the waiting room. Behold, our literary message of hope is about to be delivered.  There was no breach.  No Cesarean due to any emergent crisis -- not even an epidural.  This book, TRIumph, is being born on it's own time schedule and (trust me) ... no amount of cajoling, crying, or pleading would bring it to fruition a second sooner than it was meant to be delivered and released to the public.  As a matter of fact, a couple of months ago, I was having a minor pity party (as any expectant woman might complain a bit after FOUR long YEARS.) A very wise friend  recently  said, "Susan, God is getting His AUDIENCE ready to read this book."  Which was an excellent reminder to me to just "chill out," relax about the timing and let God do His thing.
  All this to say..."TRIumph" A Story of  Finding Hope in a Love That Knows No Bounds is finally at the printer.  It will be arriving within the next three weeks. These last few years have provided me the opportunity to process the experience of carrying of our son, John Michael, in utero while knowing he was not destined to be with us long -- as well as the intense experience of his birth and the heartbreak of his death two days later.  I've not shared our story to make you weep or cause you sorrow at the loss of our son.  I am offering you this window into one of the most difficult yet incredibly blessed moments of our lives in order that you may witness the unique beauty that comes with finding HOPE in the midst of turmoil and hardship. What I’ve learned is if you seek and submit to God's will in the roller coaster of life ... even when the downward spiral is breathtakingly terrifying and dark, the rush of His love is sure to follow. You can be assured He will always carry you to safety and TRUST the path you are on is of His making.